RPG Character Mecanim Animation Pack FREE
A preview sample for the RPG Character Mecanim Animation Pack!
This asset contains 88 animations so that you can test and evaluate if they will work for your project before purchasing. Note that the videos show animations that are not included in this pack, but are available in the full version.
Update 2.5.2: Fix movement on slopes.
Update 2.5.1: Update 2.5.1: Update SuperCharacterController files/directories to prevent conflict with Unity's Third Person Controller. Update Navigation to properly set animator parameter on stopping.
Update 2.5: Update for new Animator/Controller/Weapon/Collection Extensions.
Update 2.4: Re-create Animator due to Unity bug. Adjust some blending and trim back animations.
Update 2.3: MAJOR - Re-write entire codebase to decouple components, switch to event based method calls, consolidate animator calls to single class, reformat text. Animator cleaned up to use int based trigger system, removed a few booleans, tweak blends and connections. Add Knockback, knockdown, diveroll animations. Add proper Unarmed GetHit animations. Switch input system to InputManager by default, provide optional InputSystem package. Update IKHands functionality. Re-organize project folders and add 38 pages of documentation.
Version 2.2: Update 6.0: Change controls to use Unity's InputSystem. Fix issue with IKHands script.
Version 2.1: Update Physics settings and chance code to make it easier to remove components. Add Injured Idle and Walk Animations. Add Idle Alert Animations. Add Basic Navmesh Movement. Remove Turn Animations.
Version 2.0: Update for Unity 2017.4.31f1.
Version 1.9: Added Two Handed Sword animations and IKHands.cs for better animation re-targeting testing and evaluation. Fixes NavMesh bug.
Version 1.8: Integrate Super Character Controller. Add JumpFlip animation. Separate control script into multiple components.
Version 1.7: Replace Animator triggers with single integer trigger type. Misc code organization.
Version 1.6: Update animator with state transitions, separate inputs for easier integration.
Version 1.5: Separate GUI code from character controller. Fix issues with Navmesh switching.
Version 1.4: Add NavMesh support for moving character.
Version 1.3: Add diagonal strafe animations. Re-export animations without character mesh.
Version 1.2: Add Animation Events to animation and create placeholder functions to receive them.
Version 1.1: Update character movement to be camera relative and add camera rotation.
For a video showing a character setup example, please watch: