Brute Warrior Mecanim Animation Pack
A complete set of 33 polished and professional Brute Warrior animations, setup as a Mecanim Humanoid with included Xbox360 gamepad compatible character controller script, ready to drop into your game.
Character is setup with Mecanim’s Humanoid configuration so you can easily swap your own characters in, and it also has support for full 5 finger hands to accommodate high detail models. The provided Animation Controller is clean and concise, or just plug the animations into your existing setup. Character uses Root Motion for precise movement tracking and anti-foot slipping, with highly tweaked blending for perfect transitions.
- 33 High quality animations, with more added upon request.
- Full Mecanim Humanoid Skeleton with full 5 finger hand support.
- Clean concise Animator Controller ready to hook into you code.
- Basic Character controller with Xbox360 gamepad support.
- Stationary _S versions of all translating animations for use with Ultimate Fighting Engine and other similar implementation approaches incase you want programmatic motion control.
Update v2.4.1: Update Materials for URP. Misc code and animation/animator tweaks.
Update v2.4: MAJOR - Change prefab structure to allow easier character model swapping. Update Character Physics to use Super Character Controller for more controllable world collision and slope control. Break Warrior Controller into multiple components for easier management and integration, plus better code structure and more comments in scripts with auto-added scripts to ease setup. Change Animator structure and parameters to be more organized and streamlined, better state usage. Re-export all animations without mesh data for a smaller project size. Add rotation and follow/drop functionality in included Camera controller. Tweaks to many animations and blending transitions.
Update v2.3: Add animation events to all animations.
Update v2.2: Fix controller dashing.
Update v2.1: Add requested diagonal walking animations.
Update v2.0: Re-export animations without mesh data.
Update v1.9: Update code for camera relative movement. Adjust blending and transitions.
Update v1.8: Added requested HighSmash animation.
Update v1.7: Full physics character controller update plus variable movement speed.
Update v1.6: Add requested BlockBreak animation. Setup Rigidbody and Capsule collider on character.
Update v1.5: Added _S versions of Attack2 and Attack3 animations as requested. Tweaked animations and timings.
Update v1.4: Added 2 extra attack animations into 3 hit combo attack chain.
Update v1.3: Added requested Fall animation.
Update v1.2: Change motion to be camera relative. Make directional dodging relevant to character facing.
Update v1.1: Add missing Jump_S anim, fix block controls, adjust
movement controls.